MBTI ® Personality Type: Overview of ENFJ, The “Givers”

Stay Connected –          ENFJ is one of the sixteen personality types defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The MBTI was developed by renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung through clinical observations of his patients over a long period of time. The

Jittery on your First Date? Keep Reading!

Stay Connected –          There can be few things as exciting as the first date. The newness, the uncertainty, and the sheer force of attraction…the possibilities are immense. It can prove to be the stepping stone to a fledgling romance, or a

[INFOGRAPHIC]: What will the Year of the Water Snake mean for you?

The Chinese Zodiac contains 12 animals which rotate on a yearly basis, along with five year element cycles. 2013 is the year of the Water Snake, because the current Chinese Zodiac element is water. Since many of our visitors were

MBTI ® Personality Type: Overview of ESFJ, The “Caregivers”

Stay Connected –          ESFJ Characteristics ESFJs are most often referred to as the ‘providers’ or ‘supporters.’ These nicknames relate closely to their most prominent personality traits. They are often the person who is first to help out a friend in

MBTI ® Type: Overview of INTP Personality, The “Thinkers”

Stay Connected –          INTP Characteristics Besides being called the ‘Thinkers’, the INTP type is also referred to as the ‘Architect’ or ‘Engineer’. An INTP holds several traits that make them a distinctive personality type. They are most well recognized for

Using the MBTI® in Everyday Life: Personal Growth

Stay Connected –          The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is one of the most recognized and commonly used personality assessment tools available. Taking the MBTI® assessment is a great way to gain insight to your personal preferences and unique character

MBTI® Personality Type: ENFP, The “ Inspirers”

Stay Connected –          The ENFP personality type of the Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Indicator is known as the “inspirers” (also known as “the idealists”). These people typically approach life with a go-getter, enthusiastic attitude; they are complete extroverts. They exude creativity

MBTI® Personality Type: ISTJ, The Examiner

Stay Connected –          ISTJ Characteristics The Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI®) assessment is recognized as a tool that can allow you to discover personality preferences about yourself that you may have been unaware of prior to taking the assessment. There are

The MBTI® Assessment Tool: Beneficial for Professional & Personal Understanding

Stay Connected –          The first and most important thing to comprehend about the Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator Assessment Tool is that it is, as its name implies, a tool. It is not a test, nor is it a reflection of intelligence

Introverts vs. Extroverts: Traits, Careers, and More!

Stay Connected –          Carl Jung was the Swiss psychiatrist who coined the terms “extrovert” and “introvert”. He is also responsible for formulating theories about the collective unconscious, archetypes, and dreams. Whether you’re an extrovert or introvert, accepting, owning and enjoying