The Chinese Zodiac is divided into 12 cycles where years are represented by animals instead of months, as shown in Western Horoscopes. The Chinese Zodiac is a unique way to discover additional personality traits about you. The 12 animals that are listed below represent the rotating 12-year cycle which is the core of the Chinese Zodiac. Chances are that you have most likely heard references to a particular year referencing one of these animals such as “Year of the Pig” or “Year of the Rabbit.” Below are some of the most significant characteristics of those individuals born within the year of the listed animals.


Rat (Birth Years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

People born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rat are known to be charming, yet aggressive. They are known for their multi-tasking abilities and have no problem managing several projects at once. Rat people use money as their motivation to work harder, which can lead them to acquire a few greedy characteristics at times. They are constantly looking to challenges themselves and become a master of a new field that they are unfamiliar with. While Rats are extremely diligent when it comes to their work ethic, their romantic lives are not all that exciting. They make great lovers because of their loyalty and devotion, but are not known to plan romantic getaways or dinners for their partners. The Rat is most compatible with Dragon and Monkey.

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Ox (Birth Years: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

People born under the Ox are most recognized for their strong character, and bold personality. Similar to the Rat, they are motivated to work hard, but look down upon carless individuals who do not push themselves to the extent that they do. They are known for making friends that will last a lifetime, and would never think twice about betraying one of their friends or family members. The Ox is also well known for how straightforward they can be, which can be a viewed as a bad quality to some. Many mistake them for not being talkative enough, but they are the type that would rather observe a conversation before simply chiming in to share their thoughts. Oxen are most likely to get along best with Snake or Rooster.


Tiger (Birth Years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Tigers have the ability to make their presence known when they enter a room. They can be difficult to read as far as how they feel, because they cannot make up their minds very easily. Tiger people are known for their strong leadership instincts, they can easily come across as intimidating, which leads to them earning the respect of others quickly. While they adapt to change well, they prefer being in an environment that they are familiar with. People born under the Tiger place a high importance on their appearance and grooming, since they constantly seek approval from those around them. Tigers make great lovers because of their willingness to keep their partners on their toes. While they make great lovers, their wild nature may stimulate them to want to rebel and be unfaithful to their partner. Tigers are most compatible with Horse or Dog.


Rabbit (Birth Years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rabbit are known for distancing themselves from others at times, due to their insecurities. They can easily be mistaken for being antisocial, but they would simply rather blend in with their friends, rather than stand out. Rabbits are not argumentative or confrontational. They tend to address issues in a calm manner in order to avoid making a scene in front of others. People born under the Rabbit should not be mistaken for pushovers; they are sincere and giving to the people closest to them. Rabbits are not influenced by others under pressure; they remain true to their standards. Rabbit people make good lovers, because of their patience and willingness to listen to others. They are creative individuals who enjoy the arts such as painting and sketching. People born under the Rabbit are mostly compatible with Goat or Pig.


Dragon (Birth Years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)


Dragons are known to be a powerful sign. People who are born under the dragon sign are easily admired and respected by others. At times they can be too intense which can lead to them loosing long time friends. While their personalities can be difficult to deal with, they find it enjoyable to calm others who require advice. Natural born fighters, Dragons can sometimes allow their overly high confidence to get them in trouble. Dragons thrive in careers where they can show off their creative skills. Their work ethic is strong and they are inspired by money. Dragons are passionate lovers, but are blind of their wrongdoings to their loved ones. Their partners could lose interest over a period of time because of their constant need for approval from others. Dragons are most compatible with Monkey or Rat.


Snake (Birth Years: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

People born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Snake are seductive and charming. Snakes are recognized for their obedience and manners. They do not seek attention in a group setting, but become easily upset when they are not shown in the spotlight they wish to be shown in. A downfall in the snake’s character is that they are known liars when they are looking to get out of a situation they do not want to be involved in. Snakes are usually lucky when it comes to money, their friends and family will usually help them financially when needed. Known as masters of persuading others, people usually find it hard to ignore their presence. They can easily diagnose problems and feel a sense of accomplishment when they are recognized for their problem solving abilities. Male snakes make great lovers because of their strong sense of humor, while female snakes are successful and responsible. The highest compatibility for snakes is Rooster or Ox.


Horse (Birth Years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Horse enjoy exploring and their independence. They are honest and enjoy holding meaningful conversations with others. Horses enjoy traveling and a change of scenery. Their family and friends may view them as drifters because of their constant need for a new environment. A weak quality that the hose holds is that they can come across as self centered; this can lead to them having a difficult time making friends. Sticking to a routine for an extended period of time can easily bore them. Horses enjoy careers where they can interact with their co-workers freely; a quiet office is not their cup of tea. They easily grasp new concepts, and are reliable when it comes to meeting deadlines. Their spontaneity keeps their partners interested in them, but they have a tendency to fall in love too quickly. The best love matches for Horses are Dog or Tiger.


Goat (Birth Years: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Goats are known as the most creative sign. They treat their alone time in a sacred manner and find it enjoyable to reflect and organize their thoughts. A main reason as to goats purposely seclude themselves from social events could lead back to their insecurity. Goat people are born natural dreamers, but their indecisive qualities could lead to them putting off their aspirations. Those who fall under the Goat have difficulty dealing with anxiety. They often require lots of reassurance and support from those around them. While they are highly independent, they prefer to work in a team rather than alone. Goats are not power hungry, and it is a rare occasion that they act as leaders. As lovers, Goats can be too private with their partner. They like to pick and choose with whom they get personal with, which may be why Goats are likely to only keep a handful of friends in their lives at a given time. Goat people are most compatible with Pig or Rabbit.


Monkey (Birth Years: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

People born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Monkey thrive on having fun and entertaining others. Known for their high energy and cheerfulness, it is hard to not want to be friends with a Monkey. Naturally, they enjoy keeping active and trying new things to keep themselves busy. They are great at solving problems within the workplace, because of their good listening abilities. Monkeys have a high chance at becoming famous or at least being well known within their community and circle of friends. A weak quality that Monkeys carry is how self centered they can be. Monkeys can be unreasonable, because of their desire to always prove others right. As lovers, they are faithful but things can become problematic if their partner is unable to keep up with their need to keep busy. Since they find it difficult to settle down, they are likely to be single for extended periods of time. The best match for a Monkey person is Rat or Dragon.


Rooster (Birth Years: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rooster are known for their practical ways of thinking. They are not they type who seek attention and could care less about what others think of them. Their style comes across as conservative, but they are likely to spend hours in front of the mirror before leaving home. Roosters are responsible and honest with their friends, family, and co-workers. Naturally, their straightforward way of thinking could lead others to question their intelligence. Though they are simple, Roosters love to dream. Their desire to dream could leave them feeling unfulfilled with their career choice or partner. In love, Roosters like to show off their charm and wit to their partner. Rooster couples are known to be homebodies and would much rather spend a night indoors entertaining each other rather than going out to dinner. The simplistic Rooster can easily find love in Ox or Snake.


Dog (Birth Years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Dog people have dog-like characteristics; they are loyal to others and faithful. People born under the Dog Chinese Zodiac sign are traditionalists and continue to practice values that they were taught by their parents. Dog people will never disobey you, and make great friends to vent about life with. They are known to be old souls who tend to take things a bit too seriously at times. When compared to other animals under the Chinese Zodiac, they are absolutely the must humanitarian. Dogs are mostly introverted when it comes to sharing their feelings with others; they only do so when they find it completely necessary. At the workplace, they are focused and complete all assignments in a timely manner; they make great supervisors and mentors. Dogs make loyal, faithful, and honest lovers. They are willing to satisfy their partner by any means necessary, and never question their interests. Dogs can find it easy to maintain a healthy relationship with Tiger or Horse.


Pig (Birth Years: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Many have heard the expression of “The Year of The Pig.” Those who are born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Pig hold many enlightening characteristics such as their tastefulness and patience. They are extremely thoughtful, usually putting the interests of others before their own. Pigs make lifelong companions, but can be mistaken for being gullible. They are not the person who reaches out for help from other easily, but do not hesitate when they have used all resources available to them. One weakness that Pigs have are their perfectionism, which can lead others to believe they are snobs. Pigs are responsible, but enjoy treating themselves to luxurious items when they feel that they deserve at reward. They excel in careers where they can express their natural responsibility and genuine personality. Pigs make good partners for the most part, although some may find their easygoing nature to be a bore. They are highest compatible with Rabbit or Goat.


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