Diet Plan for Your Zodiac Sign

Stay Connected –          Diet trends are now almost part of our cultural norms. By this time, you have probably heard it all—from eating based on your blood type to eating a basic carnivore diet that would have made a Neanderthal

Stay Healthy with The Dynamic Duo: Calcium and Vitamin D

Some nutritional requirements are best taken in pairs, where one complements the other. In fact, the combination of the two results in better results, as it improves the function of the overall system. While the term “dynamic duo” may be

How Music Can Impact Your Health and Mindset

Stay Connected –          While it may sound rather New Age or at least outlandish, music does more than “soothe the savage breast.” It actually does have powers to help you improve your health. Individuals suffering from various diseases or illnesses

Fiber is an Important Part of Your Daily Diet

Stay Connected –          Among many of the substances your body requires, fiber stands out, as it is not only significant in its role in the digestive process; it is also unusual. You cannot manufacture fiber within your body and it

Diet and Increasing Your Immunity

Stay Connected –          A lot has been said about increasing your immunity against diseases and other health issues. For centuries, various cures have been suggested. Some have been complex formulations; others have been simple and to-the-point. There have also been

Man’s Best Friend: How Pets Contribute to Your Health

Stay Connected –          Did you know that having a pet may actually increase the length and quality of your life? Recent research1 indicates that having a pet may be one of the best investments you can ever make in your