{#/wp-content/uploads/images/alignedsignslogo.png}Let’s face it: dating sites have become pretty ubiquitous over the past decade. Even if you’ve never found yourself searching for a mate online, it’s likely that your favorite TV show has at one point been interrupted by a man and woman hugging as a dating site logo appears on the screen, beckoning you to find your match.

But we don’t want to interrupt your beloved TV time, nor do we want to narrow your relationship search to “love only” matches.



Aligned Signs is different than any other relationship site for three reasons:

  1. We let our members choose the kind of relationships they want: Aligned Signs wants you to expand your idea of relationship websites. You have relationships with friends and coworkers, so why do so many sites focus only on love relationships? We’re not sure, but that’s part of the reason we’ve created Aligned Signs. Relationships are one of the most fulfilling parts of life and we want our members to create relationships of all kinds. Whether you’re looking for new friends, professional opportunities or your soul mate, Aligned Signs is an outlet that welcomes everyone.
  2. You are aligned based on more than general interests. We determine compatibility based on your Western Astrology Sign, Chinese Zodiac Sign and your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® personality assessment results. These three methods have been used for years as tools for people to both understand themselves and their interactions with others. Chinese and Western Zodiac have been utilized since ancient times and both play a large role in evaluating unique personal characteristics. The validity of both Zodiac types has been proved throughout history time and time again, which explains the longevity of their existence. The Myers-Briggs® Assessment Tool is used by psychologists and educational facilities across the United States and aids those searching to better understand their personal strengths and preferences. Aligned Signs differs from other relationship sites because we encourage members to make long lasting and fulfilling connections, not just surface or superficial ones. These three identifiers were chosen because they are thought to be time withstanding, accurate and detailed tools, giving you the most optimum results.
  3. We want you to get to know YOU. Most relationship sites emphasize the importance of getting to know others, and we agree; meeting new people is fulfills the basic human need to interact and emotionally connect. However, in order to get to know other people, you need to get to know yourself. Think about it: how can you possibly understand what you want in another person without understanding what you want for yourself? How can you love and accept someone else without establishing a level of self- acceptance? It’s very difficult to build a healthy relationship with someone without building one with yourself first. The reason our identifiers are so useful is because they encourage self-reflection and introspection. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to get to know yourself better, you’ve come to the right place. {#/wp-content/uploads/images/happycoupleinlove.jpg}

We know that true happiness can only come from within ourselves. No matter how much money you  make, how many friends you have or how physically attractive you feel, self-acceptance is the only way to achieve genuine happiness. We encourage this first and foremost, and provide ways to nurture your mind, body and soul – making you the best version of yourself.

Aligned Signs is a great place to meet people – no matter what kind of relationship you’re looking for. In fact, you don’t need to be looking for a relationship to benefit from our site. Our main goal is to help you improve all aspects of your life, from self-awareness and acceptance, to taking car
e of your mind, body and soul. And if you happen to meet someone new along the way, don’t thank us; thank yourself for reaching your full potential.

Get Your Natal, Numerology, and Couples Astrology Reports by Aligned Signs


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